Piante Grasse is a issues reserved to AIAS members.
All members receive every year 4 journals plus a special issue consisting in a monograph devoted to a genus or family of succulent plants.

Subscription annual
  - EU members
The suscription rate (including postage) for EU members is 50 €
  - Overseas members
The subscription rate (including postage) for overseas members is 60 €

All payment by:
- Bank transfer:
    IBAN  IT10 N076 0103 2000 0003 3688 003
    BIC (Swift Code) BPPIITRRXXX
    to Associazione Italiana Amatori Piante Succulente

Once payment is complete, you are invited to send an email to the National Secretary ( Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. ) because sometimes it happens that the payment is not immediately notified and this could cause delays in receiving the magazine

(remember to enter the address to which the journal should be sent).

- PayPal

UE - 52 € 

Overseas - 62,50 €